Belle Anse’s Timoun (Children) are the future of the family and the community.
- Our Goals
- Belle Anse Mission
- Wantory Regala
- Williamson Mathias
Our Goals
- Purchase Land for the School: GOAL ACHIEVED!
Owning the land and having a certain number of students would make it eligible for Ministry of Education Grants. The Haitian community could not afford this land on their income. That's where our donors and partnership with their US friends came in. The US partners really came through. With our cooperation, we raised money for the land and tax, as well as teacher support for our BATF school. Suzanne had personally brought our donations to Belle Anse for the land purchase. - School Construction: fundraising is ongoing
Education will continue under tarps until they have their own place. Construction will first mean building desks and tables for the students: boards, tables, latrines... internet connection - School Basics: fundraising is ongoing
Initial funds will go towards the basics including boards for instruction. Funds and plans for school latrines are in progress. Another necessity is to have a good internet connection. This will help the school and community greatly. - Funding teachers: fundraising is ongoing
Belle Anse teachers are former university students. Because the universities were destroyed in the earthquake, they could not continue their own education. So instead, they returned home and began working to educate children in Belle Anse. The majority are underprivileged and have lost their homes in Jacmel and Port-au-Prince without possibilities to continue education. Many Haitian people earn $2/day... so a little bit of help from us can go a long way! - Scholarship Program fundraising is ongoing
The goal of this award will be to help fund a Belle Anse student who has been accepted to higher education in Haiti, but would not otherwise be able to attend without our help. Their area of study must be one that will help their community, and they must be committed to helping other students in similar situation upon completion.
Belle Anse Mission
updated 10/2012Bekert DesCollines: Principle Organizer Haitian Contact
We respectfully ask for your highest consideration in supporting our Organization for the welfare of our Community Belle Anse, Haiti. We would appreciate as much support from your institutions or as individuals that you can give to help financially or with technical support, which would aid in the following activities.
Dear donors, allow us to introduce you to Belle-Anse Timoun Family mission statement.
In effect, "Belle - Anse Timoun Family" aims to:
- Associate to any action to protect and defend the children and women rights in distress (exiled, abandoned, orphans, mistreated, fought etc...) without distinction of race, religion and social stratum.
- Ensure the health of the poorest children and marginalized rural societies and peri-urban.
- Ensure the education of underprivileged children who will take part of a large role in the fight against the poverty.
- Enter come into micro finances and the environmental domain of the community.
- Undertake measures designed to identify cases of the children and women subjected to violence: (the physical abuse, forced labor of the children, forced wedding, excision, alienation, illiteracy, etc...)
- Undertake any training and information aimed at promoting the respect of the children and women human rights in distress (the right to the life, the right to the education, right to the floor etc...)
- Train the Children into the Technology and Business Communications for the year 2025.
- Train them into the universal culture and literature of language and paint.
- Provide materials of paint and other things to promote a good framework for the children.
- Find employments for the youth through the creation of micro enterprises
- Organize and create ways to collect funds in useful exclusively for the children and women in distress.
- Look for partnerships and work together to find and create projects in useful for the underprivileged kids.
- Help sponsor students with scholarships to achieve jobs that will benefit the community in areas such as medicine, nursing, engineering, agriculture, social welfare?
- Promote trade and cooperating development between organizations involved in the same issue exists in the Republic of Haiti and the community of Belle-Anse.
In the name of Committee:
Mission Evolving
Oct 2011We were happy to hear that President Martelly's vow to provide school for additional 700k-800k children who cannot afford school has had a positive impact even far out in Belle Anse.
Like Haiti itself, our BATF School mission has been evolving, and our October 2011 trip helped inform and illustrate to us these changes. As one of our goals, we have added a scholarship to our mission. The goal of this award will be to help fund a Belle Anse student who has been accepted to higher education in Haiti, but would not otherwise be able to attend without our help. Their area of study must be one that will help their community, and they must be committed to helping other students in similar situation upon completion. This scholarship differs from our sister organization Visions For Haiti, in that it is for students to attain higher education in Haiti. Our more modest budget can handle this, and it provides some avenue for women to achieve higher education, since it may be more difficult to attain US visas for women Haitian students. In addition, students may even be more likely to return to their communities after training. Upon completion, the recipient would be expected to help with funding of a scholarship for the next student. If they leave Haiti, we would expect full return funding support for another scholarhsip. At this time, we can only afford one scholarship at a time, but we hope to grow.